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Speaking up with confidence
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onAny moment now I'm expecting the arrival of the first of my neighbourhood trick or treaters for Hallowe'en. I love seeing them in their cute little outfits, and I also love the deep breaths they take as they pluck up the guts to knock on a stranger's door and ask for what they want, and then either gratefully accept what's offered or cheerfully explain that they're not really going to play a trick on me because I forgot to buy lollies for them yet again.
It would be so easy for them not to participate at all for fear of being rejected, criticised or made fun of, and I find it heartwarming that this seems to be an occasion where even the tiniest and shyest of my young neighbours feel okay about stepping out of their shells and putting themselves in the spotlight.
It's as though knowing that their mum or dad is behind them is all it takes to give them the confidence to stop worrying about what people will think of them.
All of this reminds me of the way our flower essence Express Yourself™ works, helping you to get comfortable with who you are and what you have to say, and reassuring you that you'll be able to handle any outcome, even if it's not the positive feedback you're hoping for.
I’m taking Express Yourself™ at the moment myself, and as always when I work with this essence, am feeling like my creativity is super-charged. I’m buzzing with ideas for blog posts and workshops (stay tuned for more on these soon!). I've also noticed that I’m less concerned than usual about how people will react to what I have to say, and as a result am more comfortable and forthright when it comes to speaking up.
If you've been holding yourself back from expressing your true thoughts, feelings or authentic self, the energy of Express Yourself™ might be interesting for you to work with too. Each 15 mL bottle will last you 2-3 weeks when taken twice a day, with each dose being 7 drops, under the tongue.
Alternatively, consider our Quietly Confident™ Flower Essence Kit, which combines Express Yourself™ with our other confidence-boosting flower essences, Up, Up & Away™, which reminds you to love and approve of yourself wholeheartedly, and Guiding Light™, which acts as a reminder that you're surrounded by unconditional support (even during those times when the going feels tough) and that sometimes all it takes to initiate a big shift is to make just a tiny change in your attitude or actions. The Quietly Confident™ Kit contains all three of these essences, and is the perfect way to nurture yourself at times when you need a gentle boost or to offer support to someone else in need.
PS: Despite my enthusiasm for the kids in their Hallowe'en costumes, since we're here in the Southern hemisphere, the festival we should actually be celebrating tonight is Beltaine, the ancient Celtic and Wiccan holiday that welcomes the arrival of Summer. Although best known for the Beltaine fires and their associated fertility rituals, Beltaine was also a time to connect with the tree spirits and ask them to bless your home. So tonight while you're having fun celebrating all things spooky, spare a thought for the trees and plant life in your vicinity too - they do a lovely job not only of providing us with oxygen and beautiful greenery, but also of helping to hold and cleanse the energy of our homes and the planet as a whole. Bless their little green socks!
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