  • Quietly Confidence Flower Essence Kit, consisting of Up, Up & Away, Guiding Light, and Express Yourself flower remedies to support confidence, courage and self-expression
  • Quietly Confidence Flower Essence Kit, consisting of Up, Up & Away, Guiding Light, and Express Yourself flower remedies to support confidence, courage and self-expression
  • Christmas savings on Quietly Confidence Flower Essence Kit, consisting of Up, Up & Away, Guiding Light, and Express Yourself flower remedies to support confidence, courage and self-expression
  • Save $5 on Quietly Confidence Flower Essence Kit, consisting of Up, Up & Away, Guiding Light, and Express Yourself flower remedies to support confidence, courage and self-expression


Want more self-confidence? These flower essences remind you you’re surrounded by love and light, and inspire new levels of self-assurance.

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Want more self-confidence and inner strength? The three empowering flower essences in our Quietly Confident™ Kit are on a mission to inspire you to love and approve of yourself, re-build your self-esteem and courage, and find the assurance to speak up for yourself.


Working with this flower essence kit is the perfect ritual for times when you’re:

  • Questioning your worth, skills or abilities, and desiring energetic support to help you recognise, approve of and love the wonderful divine soul that you are
  • Feeling impacted by other people’s opinions, actions or energy, and seeking to develop stronger boundaries
  • Feeling nervous, shy or intimidated about expressing your opinions or needs, and keen to develop the confidence to speak up for yourself and hold your ground
  • Feeling trapped in circumstances that you can’t get out of, and determined to find a lasting solution that feels safe, comfortable and sustainable
  • Feeling disempowered or mistrustful after experiencing neglectful or hurtful behaviour from others and in need of a reminder that you’re perfect, just the way you are
  • Doubting your own instincts, and in need of a reminder that you have the strength and courage to make wise decisions and move forward in the way that supports your best interests

What's in the Quietly Confident™ Flower Essence Gift Pack?

Up, Up & Away™ Flower Essence: Reminds you to love and approve of yourself no matter what, and regardless of the opinion of others. Inspires you to prioritise self-care and healthy boundaries.

Express Yourself™ Flower Essence: Inspires you to discover your personal truth and communicate it from the heart, knowing that you’ll be able to handle any outcome.

Guiding Light™ Flower Essence: A comforting and reassuring flower essence that invites you to develop a sense of courage and safety, while reminding you that you’re surrounded by unconditional support and approval.

Directions – Quietly Confident™ Flower Essence Kit: Tune in to which of the essences in the Quietly Confident™ Flower Essence Kit are most relevant for you right now. There are no right or wrong answers, so let your intuition be your guide – it might be one, two or all three of the flower essences in the kit! (If you can’t decide, we recommend that you start by working with Up, Up & Away™ for two or three weeks, then move on to Guiding Light™ and finish up with Express Yourself™).

Once you’ve decided which essence or essences you’d like to work with, take 7 drops of each one under the tongue, morning and night (one at a time). Try holding each flower essence in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing it, and as you do, take a moment to reflect on your intentions and the shifts you’re getting ready to create in your life.

Ingredients - Up, Up & Away™ Flower Essence: Purified water 66.7%, brandy 33.3% (12.5% alcohol), vibrational essence of Crepe Myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica).

Ingredients – Express Yourself™ Flower Essence: Purified water 66.7%, brandy 33.3% (12.5% alcohol), vibrational essence of Poplar (Populus nigra).

Ingredients – Guiding Light™ Flower Essence: Purified water 66.7%, brandy 33.3% (12.5% alcohol), vibrational essence of White Spider Flower (Grevillea linearifolia).



Write Review

  1. I now feel ok about saying 'No'. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Posted by Sandy, NSW on 4th Jan 2023

    I was a ‘pleaser’ most of my life, but after taking Tribe of the Tree’s Express Yourself™ essence, I am now able to say ‘No’ to others and feel okay about it. It has helped me to set my boundaries.

  2. Being kind to myself ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Posted by Monique on 4th Jan 2023

    During a challenging time in my life, I was gifted with a bottle of Up, Up and Away™ from Tribe of the Tree™.
    When it arrived in the mail, I found not only the essence, but a beautifully written meditation to read and repeat to myself while taking treatments.
    The effects were subtle yet profound. I felt a powerful support and shift in my emotions and energy, and in very little time found myself truly enjoying life and most importantly, being kind to myself again.

  3. Feeling more grounded and confident ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Posted by LH, NSW on 4th Jan 2023

    Having read the story that accompanies Express Yourself™ often, I know that I am more grounded, also, I now am more open to the prompts that come in from wherever! And now have the confidence to act upon them! Your essences came at an astonishing time… Once again, thanks.

  4. More comfortable taking time out for myself ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Posted by SW, NSW on 4th Jan 2023

    Taking these drops helped me to recognise my own needs, take time out for myself and to set boundaries. I was able to take action to be happy now, not some time when everything else was taken care of. By the time the bottle was empty, I had got the hang of it! :)
    Thanks very much, Tribe of the Tree™!

  5. More comfortable with public speaking ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Posted by LW, NSW on 4th Jan 2023

    Recently I was asked to speak for a few minutes in front of a group of strangers and it was excruciating! My heart was pounding and I could barely get my words out, let alone think clearly. Embarrassed, I decided then and there it was time to face my fears around public speaking. Someone recommended I take Express Yourself™ to help me shift my fears. A couple of weeks into taking the drops I was asked to do another presentation and said yes without hesitating, and whilst I still felt some nerves, I managed to do the presentation with confidence. Since then I have put myself forward to do more presentations and I am relishing the challenge. It's only now looking back that I can see the huge shift that occurred in a very short time frame. Much gratitude to the Tribe for these amazing drops.

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