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6 of our favourite flower essences for stress
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onOne of the questions we’re asked most frequently here at Tribe of the Tree™ is ‘Which flower essences should I take for stress?’
The answer depends on what’s going on for you, so we’ve put this quick reference guide together to help you choose the most appropriate remedy or remedies for your individual situation. You’re also welcome to contact us if you’d like some advice about the best option for your circumstances.
Shock Absorber™ helps you pull yourself back together
As its name suggests, Shock Absorber™ is the ideal flower essence for those times when you’ve had a bit of a shock, or feel like the rug has been pulled from beneath your feet. It’s great for helping you feel grounded and centred again, and from there you can start focusing on what needs to be done to help you rebuild.
Up, Up & Away™ helps you rise above self-doubt
If you’re feeling susceptible to the opinions or energy of others, Up, Up & Away™ is the flower essence for you. It inspires you to love and approve of yourself, to prioritise self-care, and to develop healthy boundaries.
Lighten Up, Buttercup™ reminds you to look on the bright side
Lighten Up, Buttercup™ flower essence is on a mission to remind us that life is full of joy and lightheartedness – so it’s perfect to take when you’re feeling grumpy or pessimistic, and need a little prompting to look for the silver lining that’s behind every cloud. This is one of our favourite flower essences for children, and seems to give them permission to play and be joyful – just as it does for adults.
Go with the Flow™ helps you trust in the universe
During times of change, Go with the Flow™ helps you trust that everything will unfold the way it should. We love the gentle way it eases you through periods of uncertainty and reminds you that it’s not your job to look after every single detail of your life.
Moment in Time™ brings you back to the present
If your energy is focused on either the past or the future, you’re missing out on the gift that is the present. Moment in Time™ helps you release the regrets of the past and let go of energetic neediness around future goals and aspirations, so that you can be happy and present now.
Guiding Light™ reassures when you’re feeling vulnerable or defensive
Guiding Light™ is the essence to work with during those times when you feel as though every option available to you is fraught with difficulty or danger. It helps you rise above your current situation to see the way forward, and reminds you that you’re unconditionally supported and protected.
Please bear in mind that flower essences aren’t medicinal products. They work on an energetic level, and in our experience, they can be very helpful for supporting YOU energetically when you’re going through stressful times.
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