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Looking for love?
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onAre you looking for love? Try looking in the mirror! Our popular flower essence, Up, Up & Away™ reminds you to love and approve of yourself, no matter what, and is the perfect gift to give yourself or someone else.
The idea of loving yourself being a good thing is a pretty hard concept for some of us to get our heads around. After all, saying someone ‘loves themselves’ is a classic Australian insult. It implies that you think you’re better than everyone else – and that you’ve got no reason to!
But loving yourself is far from the same thing as being arrogant.
In fact, learning to love and approve of yourself is quite humbling; it involves embracing your so-called failings, and accepting that they’re part of the fabulous recipe that makes you who you are.
Have you noticed all the stunning Crepe Myrtle trees that are currently in bloom? The energy of those beautiful flowers are the secret ingredient in Up, Up & Away™ Flower Essence and Up, Up & Away™ Flower Essence Mist. These confidence-boosting remedies are also available together in the Up, Up & Away Kit.
They’re on a mission to remind you that loving yourself unconditionally means you’ll always be surrounded by love, which in turn frees you from needing the approval, affection or commitment of others before giving yourself permission to feel good.
As a natural consequence, you tend to find yourself feeling more confident, developing better boundaries, and becoming more inclined to look after yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually.
Many people fall into the trap of believing that if they prioritise their own needs they won’t have enough energy or time left over to look after the people who depend on them. But once you get into the swing of it, you’ll realise that just like making sure your own air-mask is securely in place before trying to help someone else, loving yourself unconditionally actually equips you to love others more wholeheartedly and fearlessly.
Give it a try! The first step (and often the hardest one) is giving yourself permission to feel good about yourself, warts and all.
Actually, from where we're sitting, those warts of yours look pretty cute! What's not to love?
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