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Manifesting your dreams
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onGot a special dream you yearn to make true? Here are our top tips for aligning your energy with bringing it to life, and the best flower remedies for strengthening your intentions and supporting your visualisations, affirmations and preparations.
As I write this, I'm about to embark on an adventure that's been years in the making – jetting off to the USA for a few weeks to travel about, spend some time hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains, and then celebrate a special occasion in New York with some of my best girlfriends.
Part of this trip was actually meant to take place 10 years ago.
Back then I planned to spend a month in NY before travelling to Jamaica for the wedding of one of my best and oldest friends, which was to be a very special event, extremely dear to my heart. I was determined to be there.
But all the signs kept pointing against it, and as the date for the trip grew closer, NOTHING about it was flowing.
Then, came some highly unexpected news: my job was likely to be made redundant!
Your highest self knows when the time is right
Suddenly, instead of being a source of excitement, my longed-for holiday became a source of stress: I didn’t want to be away from home while my employer was making decisions about my future, and I certainly didn’t want to spend lots of money travelling if I wasn’t going to have a job to come home to.
So, with bitter disappointment, I cancelled my holiday, tearfully apologised to my friends for missing their wedding, and reluctantly stayed at home to deal with the unexpected changes in my career path.
Fast forward a decade. My friends celebrated the 10-year anniversary of their Jamaican wedding last week, and in a nice piece of synchronicity, this weekend I'm jetting off for the holiday-that-never-was.
This time everything is different: the organisation has been seamless, the itinerary fills me with excitement, and the timing feels perfect in every way.
Importantly, I now know that by trusting my inner guidance 10 years ago, I opened the door to a whole series of events that changed my life in ways I could never have imagined and for which I will always be grateful.
In fact, that decision was the start of the sequence of events that led to Scott and I starting Tribe of the Tree, so the knock-on effects of it have been extraordinary, and continue to ripple out into the world.
The first step in manifestation is clarifying what you’re really looking for
I’m sharing this story because looking back I can now see that one of my goals in taking an extended holiday at that time was to find clarity about what I was meant to be doing with my life and to free up some space to explore those ideas.
I had no idea that my job was about to vanish and that therefore I would have both the opportunity and the impetus to create that space anyway. In effect, being made redundant gave me what I was looking for in a way that I could never have conceived of for myself.
One of the challenges of manifestation is that when you’re in the thick of creating your dreams, it's sometimes tricky to accept that the way that you envisage everything working out isn’t necessarily the best or only way for it to occur.
Manifestation Mojo helps with clarity and ready-ness
These days when I'm ready to manifest something - as I have with my upcoming trip - one of the first flower essences I turn to is Manifestation Mojo™, which helps me get clear on the emotional payoffs I’m aiming for with my vision and reminds me that there may be better ways for them to be delivered than those I can imagine.
At the same time, working with Manifestation Mojo™ is a wonderful ritual to include in your daily routine if you’re keen to maintain a sense of mindfulness and focus on whatever you're intending to create.
It also has a beautifully gentle way of prompting you to actively start getting ready for the new event, experience or item that you’re planning to manifest.
As you do, you may notice that your goal starts to take on more and more energy of its own and to develop a momentum and a sense of certainty.
Destiny Calls: Become the kind of person who can step into your dreams
With any great goal it's important that your internal perception of who you are is in alignment with what you're trying to achieve. Quite simply, if you don’t truly believe that you’re the kind of person who can achieve what you’re setting out to, you’re likely to face stops and starts or other struggles along the way.
Here at Tribe of the Tree™, we’ve seen this phenomenon at play in many different circumstances. It often affects people who are trying to step in to expanded senses of who they are with regards to their career or life purpose, but it occurs in other contexts too.
Whether you're planning to run a marathon, become a parent or take your career or business to the next level, it all starts with stepping into an understanding of yourself as a person who can and will do and be whatever it takes to make that work.
To support you as you work towards that transition consider taking Destiny Calls™ flower essence
Scott and I have often been heard to say that we would not have start Tribe of the Tree™ had it not been for Destiny Calls™. It helped us to step into the role of Tribe leaders and understand that we would not have felt the calling to do this work if we weren't the right people to so.
Dragon Slayer: start taking action!
When you’re working towards a dream, you’ll usually need to spend some time knuckling down and getting on with the nitty gritty of bringing it to life.
If you're finding yourself procrastinating, feeling stuck or doubtful about whether you have what it takes, consider the ritual of working with Dragon Slayer™, which is on a mission to help you get out of our own way and get past any limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
Our Dream Activator™ Kit contains all three of these flower essences so that when you’re ready to start bringing your dreams to life you’ll have them on hand to help you on your way.
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