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Tribe of the Tree is finally on Instagram!
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onWe're excited to let you know that we're finally on Instagram. Find us there at @tribeofthetree.
Getting ourselves over to Instagram is something we've been thinking about for ages, but somehow it never seemed to be the right time.
Then - incidentally while I was taking our flower essence Go with the Flow™ for a completely different reason - it felt like the universe was conspiring to get us there. Suddenly, customers were asking where we were, and friends were telling us they thought we'd have fun there. Every. Single. Day.
In the spirit of Go with the Flow™, I knew that all these taps on the shoulder were happening for a reason, so I headed on over and fiiiiinally got started.
And (of course), we LOVE it there - the energy is so fresh and friendly, and the sense of community is just delightful.
If you like hanging out on Instagram too, we'd love to see you there. You can find and follow us at @tribeofthetree.
(And yes, we still love hanging out on Facebook too - come and say g'day to us there any time!).
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