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Why struggling is counter-productive (and what to do instead)
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onHave you ever felt that sense that no matter what you do, the good things you long for are being withheld from you? You keep wishing and yearning and striving and struggling, but for some reason that seems unfathomable, it feels like some power outside yourself is holding the gates locked shut so the flow of goodness and abundance you long for simply cannot reach you.
That was me last week... struggling to meet some impossible deadlines, and making myself sick in the process.
During those times of struggle it's easy to forget that from an energetic perspective, your neediness and sense of lack are extremely powerful forces, and no matter how much you might wish otherwise, it's as though they create a force field around you that repels your goal instead of bringing it closer.
The feelings of overwhelm and powerlessness that accompany these types of struggles also often have a tendency to lead us to unwittingly lapse into victim-mode, which is the last place we want to come from when we're trying to manifest or attract change.
This past weekend, I was reminded that when you choose to focus on struggling and striving, your body gets tight, your mind goes into micro-manager mode, and everything about your energy goes into lockdown.
All that constriction is exactly the opposite of the sense of spaciousness, expansiveness and openness that will help you attract abundance and flow!
So, when we find ourselves in these situations, what's the best way to get out from their grip? Here are a few suggestions, courtesy of our Treasure Hunter™ Flower Essence, which is on a mission to remind us all how profoundly abundant the universe is, and how deeply worthy each of us is of receiving blessings.
Take back your power
When you're feeling overwhelmed, it's easy to magnify the size of a problem, which only exacerbates your feelings of being powerless. Instead, come to terms with its actual size by making a list of all the issues involved. Along the way, you'll probably find that there are at least a few of them that are within your influence. As you take steps to address those aspects of your list, pay attention to what happens to your energy. My bet is that it will start to shift away from that of a victim and towards that of an action hero.
Get grateful
Even when things feel really tough, there's always something to be grateful for. Concentrate on those things for a while, and as you do, make a conscious decision to dial up your sense of gratitude until it feels like your heart is smiling. Notice that it's virtually impossible to feel needy and deeply grateful simultaneously! Keep practising your gratitude on a daily basis - especially if you feel yourself lapsing into negativity.
Make space for inspiration
Next, where can you create a sense of spaciousness? For me, it was visiting the national park on the weekend, and taking some time to lie back and listen to the birds while looking at the shapes the trees made against the blue, blue sky. It really didn't take very long, but it was a window of time in which I gave myself permission not to think about or do or fix anything, and instead just to be. And it cleared my mind enormously.
Try some flower essences
If you find yourself in this kind of situation, perhaps some flower essences can help. Personally, I recommend Treasure Hunter™ (which gently reminded me that I was in deep need of rest this weekend and more than deserving of it too), Go with the Flow™ (which is lovely to work with during times when you feel that you're pushing against the forces of the universe or that they're pushing against you), and Lighten Up, Buttercup™ (which encourages you to choose the optimistic, joyful way in any situation).
These flower essences all available individually, and can also be found alongside other synergistic essences in our range of Flower Essence Kits. You might also like to check out our Treasure Hunter™ Flower Essence Mist (which helps create an energetically abundant space) and Lighten Up, Buttercup™ Mist (which promotes an environment of positivity and good cheer).
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