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You don't need to carry other people's burdens
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onIt broke my heart recently when one of our lovely Tribe members said to me, “I’ve come to accept that being emotionally and energetically wiped out most of the time is the price I need to pay for doing the healing and counselling work I do.”
This woman is ah-maz-ing. She is an accomplished healer and holder of space, an activist for women rebuilding after trauma, and a loving friend, partner, mum and grandma.
And even with all her decades of experience, she had forgotten that she has a choice about whether or not to take on other people’s energy and pain. (That made me feel a bit better actually, because I sometimes forget that I have that choice too… so it was reassuring that someone older, wiser and more experienced than me needed the reminder that I sometimes need myself!)
You’re just as important as the people you care for
Often, when we’re in the thick of supporting other people, it’s easy to forget to actively look after ourselves.
Whether you’re a health practitioner supporting your clients, a parent prioritising your kids' wellbeing, or are laser-focused on your career or business, that sense of being emotionally and energetically depleted is all too common.
But it’s not something you need to put up with - it’s a sign that you’ve let your boundaries slip, and that it’s time to be thoughtful and intentional about them again.
Try Up, Up & Away for healthier boundaries
Up, Up & Away Flower Essence Kit is perfect to use at times when you're feeling impacted by other people's energy, attitudes or behaviour, or when it’s time for you to prioritise your self-care. I recommend taking 7 drops of the flower essence under your tongue, twice a day (or more often when needed). I also spritz the flower essence mist around myself and my work space a few times a day to reinforce the effects of the flower essence and my intention to create a space in which healthy boundaries are maintained, even while deep work is taking place.
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